
Hye there ??!! Lot of things happen nowadays, never regret for what had happen cause it is our choice. Even fate already written or history already made, when you still breath and you still have brain and heart, never get disappointing for things you do.

Whether it is connected to the world, or you left behind, no one care, always be thankful. You know what, even life is not good for yourself, or in front of your friends or family, always be patience. Maybe you forgot to be thankful what you have before this, or you forgot that He is the one behind of your every success.

When keep on thinking about myself, Ya, i felt miserable, and yeah, i didn't have people around me that really care about me, but then i noticed that i keep on praying that Allah s.w.t will give me spirit, courage, and happier life. So, i did manage all because of Him. 

Alhamdulillah, even i getting separated with what i love or someone i love, even i did not have life like i want it to be, I did closed to Allah s.w.t. and i really be thankful of it...


  1. Apa yang kita miliki, pelu di hargai..
    Apa yang kita ada, sayangilah...
    Apa yang diterima, Ucaplah Allhamdulillah..
    apa yang penting, bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada, kita miliki, kita lalui,yang penting kita adalah Hambanya yang sentiasa bersyukur..

    1. yup,. dgn bsyukur itu mbuat kita menerima apa ada nya,.
      thanks :)


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