DeDuckBurst@The Daghbus

Hello Blogger? Thanks viewing my Blog, I'm deleting all my previous posts since i think i need a new fresh entry and cool one. So, i start with why i choose name DeDuckBurst or Daghbus.

I want to make group that have their own personality, fashion, and desires. Since i can't find friends that have same opinion like me i guess i just one of the Daghbus member...hahhahah.. Nope, maybe person like me won't deal with someone that have their own way life,.. and maybe i should love myself first before having people that love me,. ahaaha

Okay!! stop with that, i think i should tell you why Daghbus,? Daghbus means 'face'.. In my race if someone praises himself/herself we would say 'daghbus'.. like "You should see your face at the mirror first before praises yourself" wkwkkwkwkwk...

Anyway, i just do blog for myself satisfaction.. Sometimes we can't tell everybody about our feeling, and sometimes they just ignored it.. But this blog for people who have same opinion, and respect our feeling. Hope can share something useful and giving benefits for others too..

Well, see my next posts okay, will keep you all updated!! Adios Amigos...

Its me!! with Duck face wkwkkwkwk ...

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