You Knew It Was Wrong . . .

When you know your skin sensitive with the sunlight, but you ignore the itchy.
You have minds and can think, but you ignore the reality.
You do mistake all the time, you know its wrong but still you want to do it..


You went to see your doctor to diagnosed same sickness.
You know what he will say, what you should prevent, what you should do, and so on.
You heard same thing, but its nothing to you.


Like you fell in love with someone, that you know its not meant to you,
You know, its wrong to see her/him, but you still do,


You said , you will have to make mistake and you will learn from it,
and maybe you will find better,.
you think no one better, everybody made mistakes

But You Forgot, How Many Wrongs to Make it RIGHT ?!!

Our life is always deal with an OPTION, Never say you don't have else to do...
Yes, You Have,. Stop the IGNORANCE. Be Honest. Face the Reality.
Then, Be Me !!


Hye there ??!! Lot of things happen nowadays, never regret for what had happen cause it is our choice. Even fate already written or history already made, when you still breath and you still have brain and heart, never get disappointing for things you do.

Whether it is connected to the world, or you left behind, no one care, always be thankful. You know what, even life is not good for yourself, or in front of your friends or family, always be patience. Maybe you forgot to be thankful what you have before this, or you forgot that He is the one behind of your every success.

When keep on thinking about myself, Ya, i felt miserable, and yeah, i didn't have people around me that really care about me, but then i noticed that i keep on praying that Allah s.w.t will give me spirit, courage, and happier life. So, i did manage all because of Him. 

Alhamdulillah, even i getting separated with what i love or someone i love, even i did not have life like i want it to be, I did closed to Allah s.w.t. and i really be thankful of it...

The Brave One

I did watch this movie several times when i'm down. It just related with my feeling like when world have everything but when you speak out about yourself, no one ever care. I mean, really care about you.

They just listen, give their sympathy, but at the end you will know that everything in this world the decision of your life is in your hands. Sometimes, its drastically change your life even you don't want it became like what did happen.

Brave One movie really can read what i really feel. It is about girl Erica that had been brutally attacked and killed her fiance. She managed to live but with fear and have traumatic problem. She said that a walk, a street that she always use in her daily life began not safe, so how do people live a fear in a place that used to be safe but it is not. She need help, talk to police find the murderer, but seems no end. So, she bought a gun to protect herself.

I think you all should watch this movie, and maybe you also like me,. Have that feeling. ahha.. 

Till Then.

Terbuku dijiwa...

Langit bersulam kegelapan,
dengan warna awan yang berselang,
Entah mana arah tujunya,
Tak puas menawan kelilingnya,
Hingga ia sendiri hilang tanpa dikesan.

Awan yang begitu sikitnya,
Masih mampu langit terima,
Namun bila guruh mendatang,
Tak tertahan dari muka bumi,
Tak tersimpan kegelisahan hati.

Maka kilat pun muncul,
Pedihnya bukan orang mengerti,
Dan tangisan keluar dari awan yang terkumpul penuh,
Penuh dengan kegelapan, tersimpan lama, terbuku, 
Tergabung, kini terhurai, mencurah...

Sayunya hati, Tangislah ...
Biar lepas ini tiada lagi yang tersimpan,
Biarlah lepas ini pelangi menganti,
Mengukir senyuman mu kembali...

Sandakan Nature City